Empowering educators for a brighter future.


Teacher Learning Labs

During three intensive Teacher Learning Lab workshops, local early elementary school teachers come together to learn about progressive pedagogical techniques focusing on whole child development and topics such encouraging inquisitiveness in children, social-emotional learning, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) education, health, hygiene, negative effects of corporal punishments, first aid and CPR, identification and prevention of child abuse, and conflict resolution. These learning labs are interactive, motivating, and fun; they help educators remember why they entered the field and respark their joy for teaching!

On-site Coaching

The cornerstone of our program: for four months, EarlySpark instructors are embedded in the classroom to model, coach and encourage teachers to commit to positive reinforcement in the classroom and adopt education best practices.

The coaching model involves observation, practice, feedback, and reflection. Government teachers take on increasing responsibility through the intervention to build their confidence in the new instructional techniques. EarlySpark coaches provide weekly one-on-one feedback to help teachers achieve their biweekly goals


Impact Assessments

To understand the impact of the EarlySpark program on teachers and students, we use third-party enumerators to execute two types of assessments:

  • Built off of the Pratham’s ASER ‘Early Years’ assessment, we collect data on the skill acquisition of children ages 6-8. We evaluate the following competencies: Cognitive, Language, Writing, Numeracy, and Socio-Emotional Development

  • To assess classroom dynamics, we also conduct observational assessments of classrooms and note the level of class participation, engagment, and classroom management techniques.

Research & Publications

Our research efforts are led by Dr. Prashant Loyalka of Stanford University’s School of Education. EarlySpark helps further educational research through it’s large scale RCTs (Randomized Control Trials.)

To understand the impact of the EarlySpark intervention, we collect data from our treatment and control schools and use statistical analysis to understand outcomes of our work. Insights from the research are fed back into the refinement of our intervention model.


Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

Contemporary research has shown that investment in early childhood education, particularly among disadvantaged children, improves not only cognitive abilities, but also critical behavioral traits like sociability, motivation and self-esteem.


© EarlySpark 2023

an initiative of

Deshpande Foundation